Things to stock up at home before going on self-isolation.

by / 24 Mar 2020

It has become an imperative according to the directive by NCDC- Nigeria Center for Disease Control- that self-isolation is the best and safest option to avoid getting infected with the coronavirus.

What self-isolation means is that you will be staying indoors and completely avoiding contact with other people. You need to do this if you have symptoms of coronavirus to ensure that other people do not contract it from you. If you would rather not get infected at all, before you get tested for coronavirus, while you wait for test results, if you have had a positive test result for coronavirus, then self-isolation is also for you.

Non-perishable food items

The first and most important thing you should think of getting will be non-perishable food items. Rice, Pasta, and even canned items that will stay a while before going bad. You do not want to be caught up in self-isolation without variety, that will be the first thing that will frustrate you out of your house.

For your sake then it is advisable to get non-perishable food items that will be as sufficient for a long while, as we do not know how long this will last. Coffee and tea should also not be left out as well as fruit juice that you like. This is so you have variety of liquids when it comes down to staying hydrated.

Meat and beef can be stored in the freezer should be purchased also. As opposed to stocking up on fish that might not last long.

Cereal and snacks

Cereal and snacks are the lifesavers you don't remember till you need them. You think you can do without them till you just feel like munching on something and you realize you have just rice at home. When what you really need is something you should not have to stress initially before consuming. If you have a sweet tooth, then you should ensure you stock up on your favorite cereals and snacks.


Medication for any health issues you have or basic care. If you have an underlying health issue before now, it will really be a good idea to stock up on all the medications as prescribed by your physician. You can as well get essential medications for pain relief like paracetamol, or even Ibuprofen.

Bottled water

Bottled water is a very great essential that you would not want to run out of especially if you do not feel comfortable enough with the water from the borehole. Stock up as may as you think is reasonable and be considerate of others that will also want to get


Detergents, bathing, and washing soap should be stocked up as well. Then ensure you get an extra toothpaste. If you have females at home, then you should as well stock up on sanitary pads especially since we don't know how long this phase will last for. Toilet rolls should also not be left out of the whole picture. You should get minimally, while also considering every other person out there that would like to get one.

Hand sanitizers and cleaning spray

Hand sanitizers and cleaning spray are very important at times like this. Keeping good hygiene is very important. To do that, you have to ensure that you not only wash your hands constantly, but you also wipe all surfaces frequently. If you happen to run out of cleaning spay then there will be no way to clean surfaces. You have to ensure that does not happen.


If you can get a thermometer, then it will be a very good option to keep one at home with you. This is to ensure that you have the means to check your temperature constant and if there is any drastic change, you will know to do well and contact the appropriate quarters to get properly tested.


If you live in an area with an unpredictable power supply, then you can consider getting an inverter to help with the downtime. To ensure that you are not caught alone without power supply at the time when you might be really needing it. You can as well check this out for other solutions to deal with power issues.

Games or Books

If you are an avid reader of paperbacks, then this is a very good time to get your favorite bestsellers from the bookstores for the boring days to come. If you would rather just spend your time playing games, then there are various options to select from. You can check this out for fun things you can do at home.

Ensure that before you purchase any food item, you check the expiry date to avoid having to throw them away or eating an expired product. Whatever it is we decide to stock up on to keep us running during isolation should be purchased with others in mind as well. Do not hoard essentials because you feel you will be needing them more.